The Chattering Wind

Thursday, November 06, 2008

More foreign students

More!!! More!!!

Singapore clearly has so many foreign students that it already overwhelmed the Singapore population of around the same age group and are students.

If you think 5 years back and compare with today, it has been a tremendous change. Even on ICA website, it is promoting Singapore as an education hub.

It is clear that the influx of students boost our GDP via increase in aggregate demand and human resource for our labour needs. The government clearly knows that there will be an increase in crime and unhappiness of Singaporeans.

Because we are already a nation of low risk, a little rise in crime as a trade off for high GDP may be something positive. But the rate of inflow has been too fast, because the past few years of prosperity created a demand for labour. But things are going to change, and at this rate of inflow, our report card will show higher unemployment.

However, Singaporeans like me, who are complaining of too much competition, should wake up our idea because the foreign students are highly competitive, less costly to hire and hardworking, generally.

However, the real competition are not from the private institutions, but rather from the 3 local universities. However, I believe that in the future, employment would be from the 4 local universities first. The rest would fill up the remaining spaces of unemployment. I have not taken experience in consideration.

We have been living too comfortability, mainly under our helicopter parents. I was one of them, I know. But I sincerly hope that if we really worked hard to improve ourselves, we would succeed. I think we do not need any helping hand, but a path that we can walk to where we want to walk according to our needs.

I may sound a little pessimistic but the reality is that the boom times, in my opinion is over for now. We have clearly been pumped by the US consumers and the evidence is visible now. Watch when they change their consumption habits.


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