The Chattering Wind

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Scarce resources

Why do I have this feeling that resources are more scarce than everyone in the world thinks. I think we are underestimating the amount of resources left in this world.

With this prolong probable L shape trend of the global economy, we have to know that resources are scarce and be humble. We should be humble on what we spend on, not on extravagance or veblen goods. Materialism that has taken over our human nature has damaged our brains. Look at the next few generation of future workers and you will see what I mean.

Look at the vast asymmetric information happening now in this world even though internet exist. Look at people graduating from unrecognised degrees. These people don't even know they are from LA or Panama? That is $10k+ my friends. Is this pure ignorance or a lack of self responsibility?

And there are plenty of schools and institutions offering management and financial courses. The supply for the next 3 years will be massive with demand having peaked is on a downtrend. And these people studying don't even know or are not afraid what would happen in the future. Is it because we are living too comfortability in Singapore that we know that the government will do something about it? The government will not entertain you.

What would the future beholds? Maybe I'm too pessimistic but the future certainly looks very bleak even without this financial crisis. Resources are becoming too scarce and that is why people have been talking about the commodities boom. The bubble has burst but it will not stop growing.


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