The Chattering Wind

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The fallibility of man

As a man myself, I know that we are not perfect in anyway. It is good that we strive for perfection as it benefits everyone in certain ways. But one must know our own limitations, because perfection is an ideal.

For example, in the process of the dotcom boom and ultimately the bust, interest rates were cut too low and stayed low for too long. This created a platform for a housing bubble to emerge. This created a cycle perceived to be virtuous but in fact is vicious in reality. As housing assets gained appreciate in value, people were able to get more bank loans or refinance their debt to get more. That became their atms and ultimately became their source of complacency.

Once it became a "habit", people dont see the wrong that they have been doing. But take note that when I say that it is wrong, the opposite, of not having any loans does not mean that it is right. The thing is that it was overdone.

So far, I've just stated an introduction.

As you can see, this is human nature. The thing we can do is to consciously monitor oneself of what we are doing.

As humans, we will soon forget this incident because we are programmed not to dwell in this crisis. The reason is because when you think of it, it makes you feel unhappy, your body produces certain chemicals that makes you feel unhappy.

So, you want to think of something happier, if not, do something that stimulates the same feeling. Just as woman likes to go shopping because it makes them feel good. There is a biochemical reaction to the things we experience.

If we can follow positive virtues and avoid negative vices, we can stabilise ourselves.


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