The Chattering Wind

Sunday, July 22, 2007


How do we meditate?

What will you think of when the word meditation comes into mind? Buddhism? Sitting down and not moving?

Meditation needs lots of discipline and perseverance. You have to be discipline when you decide to meditate at a certain timing and perseverance when you are feeling tired in the process of meditation.

Why meditate? I think that it can help you to settle down, strengthen your mental toughness and help you to have better awareness.

Well, our human mind are the most complex organ ever. Our thoughts and decisions are mainly influenced by our emotions. Sometimes, at the extreme, our emotions may overrule logic and common sense.

Sometimes it may be good to let our emotions be free from restrictions. But we have to be aware of situations we must keep ourselves in control. Mind over Emotions.

Meditation can help you to strengthen your mental toughness.

So how do we get along with it?

Try to find a spot where you think you can meditate without anyone disturbing you. You can listen to calming music.

Posture is very important. Sit upright. If halfway you notice you are slouching, acknowledge that you are slouching by saying in your mind "slouching slouching" and sit upright again.

Concentrate on your breathing. Feel how your chest expands and collapse when you breath in and out. Maintain the rythm of breathing.

In the process, if you start to think of anything(not the can drink), you can acknowledge it by telling yourself mentally "thinking thinking" and let it pass, let it go.

If you feel tired, acknowledge it and let it pass. Perseverance is the key.


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