The Chattering Wind

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Will Obama be a flop?

Will he be a flop?

Maybe. Since his appointment, not much changes are really made. As the saying goes - the more people talk about change, the more it is the same. Instead, previous policies have remained the same.

17,000 more troops to afghanistan.
More bailout money for banks
Saving GM & Chrysler, who spend more time advertising that if they fail, the consequences will be disastrous.

When a pipe has many leaks, to mend each leak is a waste of time and resources. The only way is to change the pipe. Changing the pipe will be costly, but it is better in the long run.

GM & Chrysler are bound to ask for more money in the future. They have already asked twice.

Obama announced new lending policies for "consumers" when they are already broke. What is this? Shouldn't it be new lending policies for businesses?

And, implementing a new regulatory framework that did not exist before hand to prevent the current crisis????? It is the 1% interest rate & government policies that boost home ownership that eventually caused this problem. So, are they pushing the blaming to the market? It is just trying to tell us that it has all been so wrong.


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